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Full Version: Randomize LFO rate behringer Neutron
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Randomize LFO rate behringer Neutron

Hey everybody !

So it's probably quite simple to solve, but I am currently learning and I just can't figure it out.

I made a pretty cool sounding lead bass, and I would like to add some LFO to it to give it a little movement. By default the LFO being a regular movement, I'd like to get it to trigger randomly.

I tried Noise->S&H->LFO Rate, but then the LFO is just waaaaaaay too random. Like sometimes it won't trigger at all for several seconds. I tried to tweak it with the S&H rate and glide knobs, but to no effect.

Could someone help me out ? Can I actually do what I want ? And if yes how should I patch it ?

Tldr; How do I patch the neutron so I can get a randomised LFO, while being able to keep it under control so it doesn't go too crazy ?

submitted by /u/DevAstral
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