Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Is buying a semi-modular synth as your very first 'toy' a bad idea?
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Is buying a semi-modular synth as your very first 'toy' a bad idea?

Hey. Normally I play guitar, it's almost all that I do these days, but I have some keyboard-playing background (I've owned my keyboard for at least 10 years now, I used to attend keyboard playing lessons from 9 to 15 years old), so like I still reference to the keys rather than the fretboard when I am thinking of the notes and what should I play on the guitar. With that said, I've become more interested in sound synthesis and buying a synth. However, I really want to buy an analog semi-modular - I find their sound much warmer and they seem to be more suited for the sound effect/ambient/progressive electronic patches that I want to make to complement my guitar. I know they have no keyboard, but I've been browsing some sites about them and like I really want to buy one. I've never owned a synthesizer (I might actually change that since I can contact my old keyboard teacher since he has a lot of synthesizers, new and old), and semi-modulars seem to be so much different and harder than the 'regular' synths. What would you do in my place? Thanks for any input!

submitted by /u/strawberrybeast
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