Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Does anyone have a Ciat-Lonbarde Rolzer, and can test something for me?
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Does anyone have a Ciat-Lonbarde Rolzer, and can test something for me?

I just got one a couple weeks ago and I think the 5s aren't working. I spot checked a bunch of jacks with a scope and I get the expected LFOs and triggers, but the orange jacks on all the 5s don't do anything and I just get some noise on the browns. Whenever I cross patch to any 5s they cause it to freeze. I know CL stuff is weird and works unexpectedly at times, but this doesn't seem right and I'm hoping someone else can test theirs to compare.

Here's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw2bhGvTa2c

submitted by /u/StriveForMediocrity
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