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Intellijel Zeroscope 1U Impressions?

I'm comparing in-rack oscilloscope solutions, and the three that jump out are Mordax Data, Dave Jones Design O'Tool, and Intellijel Zeroscope 1U version. Of these, the Zeroscope is most efficient in terms of cost and hp, but I can find very little in the way of feedback from people who have owned this module.

Have you owned the Zeroscope, and if so what are your impressions? Do you find the screen size and display adequate?

My goal is to be able to visualize the waveforms I am creating so that I can learn how different waveforms sound and how various tweaks impact a waveform. I don't feel like I need a lot of bells and whistles beyond that, but I would appreciate a nice display.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/newvin
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