Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: I want the D.
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I want the D.

I'm late to get on the hype train. I knew about it already, but last night I read up on the Behringer Model D after trying an old Minimoog at a friend's house. I wasn't impressed with the modulation options and spent only like 15 minutes checking the raw osc sounds and filter.

After coming home, I watched this brilliant comparison by Synthpro posted in August and immediately decided "Yeah, I want this".

The price point is a big part of it. But also, the sound itself, the attitude of cloning a synth and selling it at 10% of the cost of the original. Cheeky, but feels so good.

The bit about being able to midi chain them for polyphony is also a bit awesome. Not that I would buy more than one, no. I really shouldn't.

I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes the go-to synth for all kinds of synthesists. But surely it can't be ALL that, can it?

What speaks against it? Do you have something (bad) to say about its character, execution, business practices, colour scheme, font style?

submitted by /u/ChocLife
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