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Full Version: Sampler Sequencer that can sequence synths and do song mode?
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Sampler Sequencer that can sequence synths and do song mode?

I've been interested in a Sampler Sequencer that could sequence full songs (kinda like the QY70) and make drum tracks, can't go too much over 400, I've looked at the following:

Roland SP-404, SX

Electribe EMX (considering this, but I heard it was more for live jamming?)

MPC1000 and 500 (There's a MPC2000XL going cheap in my area too)

The Beatstep Pro has too few tracks and it doesn't do a song mode unfortunately.

I already have a few synths so I'm all good in that front, I just need something that can setup certain parts like the intro and chorus. Any suggestions or recommendations?

submitted by /u/synthmalicious
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