Vortex Sound Research
Tune and description of a method, would love to hear any similar approaches - Printable Version

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Tune and description of a method, would love to hear any similar approaches - SynthWizard - 03-23-2020

Tune and description of a method, would love to hear any similar approaches

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p><a href="https://soundcloud.com/user5054208/eternal-return-iiimov">https://soundcloud.com/user5054208/eternal-return-iiimov</a> </p> <p>tldr</p> <p>Completely remove control by recording output of insane effects rack directly to audio track. Edit and sculpt track from this.</p> <p>/tldr</p> <p>(warning: mainly in the box stuff!!!)</p> <p>So over the past few years I’ve started using a new approach when making tunes. I used to granularly control every aspect of the tune via automation and hand sculpted samples, but I’ve been doing something which is completely hands off in terms of moment to moment control when generating ideas. They work well together, and I’m sure people here have used a similar approach, I would love to hear about it.</p> <p>Basically I set up a chain of tracks that’s like this: track 1: input -&gt; track 2: effects chain -&gt; track 3: recording output of effects chain to audio. And I specifically do not record any of the changes I make aside from the print to audio.</p> <p>Then I choose some input to mess around with. I sometimes route YouTube into it (using a macOS program called Blackhole, its amazing), a hardware synth, sometimes just a simple drum loop. Then start jamming effects onto track 2 on the fly and recording the output. Iterating back and forth between the sound source and the effects rack is the important and fun part.</p> <p>Anyway basically I go through this process for ages. Like at the end of it I have a few hours in total of sounds. Some of them melodic, some of them complete chaos etc. But all of them committed. There is no way for me (using this workflow) to return to any of the bits and tweak them. It’s sort of like just being given a mad big sample pack made by an idiot.</p> <p>The final bit is then combing through the stuff and marking bits that sound good or could be used. In this track I used them in a few different ways, as well as more conventional sampling composing.</p> <p>It comes down to a lot of editing to shape it into music. I love editing, so it suits me.</p> <p>Some effects and so on used: All SoundToys products, Some Waves stuff, and maybe some free VST's. Synths may have been an Alpha-Juno and some free VSTs, there is no way of knowing really, unless I remember.</p> <p>Anyway I’ve waffled on for enough now, check out the track if you’d like.</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/FlannSinna"> /u/FlannSinna </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/fnmzwr/tune_and_description_of_a_method_would_love_to/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/fnmzwr/tune_and_description_of_a_method_would_love_to/">[comments]</a></span>