Vortex Sound Research
iZotope Releases RX 8 and Announces Updates to Flagship Suites - Printable Version

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iZotope Releases RX 8 and Announces Updates to Flagship Suites - SynthWizard - 09-04-2020

iZotope Releases RX 8 and Announces Updates to Flagship Suites

iZotope has released RX 8, the latest update to its audio repair and enhancement software, launched RX Post Production Suite 5, and announced that Music Production Suite 4 will be coming this fall.… <a class="more-link" href="http://www.synthtopia.com/content/2020/09/04/izotope-releases-rx-8-and-announces-updates-to-flagship-suites/">Read More <span class="screen-reader-text">iZotope Releases RX 8 and Announces Updates to Flagship Suites</span></a>
