Vortex Sound Research
First Hardware Synth - Intermediate Level - Printable Version

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First Hardware Synth - Intermediate Level - SynthWizard - 01-03-2021

First Hardware Synth - Intermediate Level

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Thanks to Covid i had a lot of time to get confortable with Serum and Diva and now I wanna buy my first Hardware Synth, but the decision is, as you might expect, not that easy so i hope you guys can give me some good suggestions and opinions.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>What am I looking for: In short - Versatility, because I'm more interested in getting better at Sound Design than to achieve a certain sound or play a certain genre. While I do prefer Analog sounding Synths, it doesn't matter if it is true Analog or Virtuell Analog as long as it sounds passable.</p> <p>I'm Pianist so a Keyboard with atleast 49 keys that don't feel like completely trash would also be admirable. My Budget is 1500€, but i also wouldn't mind spending less.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>So I have had my eyes on 2 Synths: The Roland System 8, which seems to be quite versatile but doesn't have a good Keyboard and the Modal Electronics Cobalt8X, which seems to be a really good deal considering the price. </p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>Thanks for your help</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/SaveNamine"> /u/SaveNamine </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/kpqmqr/first_hardware_synth_intermediate_level/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/kpqmqr/first_hardware_synth_intermediate_level/">[comments]</a></span>