Vortex Sound Research
Should I go dawless or build a hardware setup? (Semi-newbie) - Printable Version

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Should I go dawless or build a hardware setup? (Semi-newbie) - SynthWizard - 02-03-2021

Should I go dawless or build a hardware setup? (Semi-newbie)

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I wanted to start off buying hardware and go dawless after a long time using one to make music. When I moved states, I couldn't take the computer I was using with me, so I don't currently have one. I decided then to use that as motivation to invest in synths. The first thing that struck me early on was the total derth of sequencer patterns on polyphonic synths, and the very limited nature of hardware sequencers. Seriously, the ones in my prices range have like 16 banks of 4 measure patterns, and limited polyphony. When I was using daws, I had unlimited poly and an unlimited sequencer, but with serious pad synths you'll be lucky to get 1 16 step sequencer, or one real time sequencer built in. How do hardware producers make intricate tracks without daws like this? I really wanted to start out with no computer (too much money at one time + cost of wifi + taking months to afford vsts), but it seems most people have to use one in some capacity anyway, given the limitations of hardware. So should I just sell my gear and invest in a nice computer and a few roland and arturia vsts? Or stick it out and start collecting sequencers and multi track recorders and exploit those limitations? I mean, really, is one <em>actually</em> cheaper than the other? It seems like daws are easier and less restricted, but I wouldn't say cheaper by any meaningful margin. Someone give me a pep talk because I'm at a crossroads and am bummed, but do want to keep making music. Are there any hardware alternatives that can keep me away from having to buy a computer? Should I go for a cheap laptop and integrate that with hardware? What are good hardware utilities that can aid in making/recording complex tracks without daws, etc.? </p> <p>P.S I've read the board rules, but given my unfamiliarity, might have accidentally defecated all over them with this post. If so that's my bad, but I'm semi-overwhelmed at this point and need some guidance.</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/Lol-Lfo"> /u/Lol-Lfo </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/lbe4ix/should_i_go_dawless_or_build_a_hardware_setup/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/lbe4ix/should_i_go_dawless_or_build_a_hardware_setup/">[comments]</a></span>