Vortex Sound Research
Tokyo Tape Music Center - Tokyo Gate User Impressions? - Printable Version

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Tokyo Tape Music Center - Tokyo Gate User Impressions? - SynthWizard - 04-27-2021

Tokyo Tape Music Center - Tokyo Gate User Impressions?

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Does anyone have one of these? I'm curious to hear your impressions. I have a 7hp hole in my rack. I don't have (or have ever had) a LPG. This is kinda spendy for something that is a little redundant in my case as I already have a filter with built in VCA that can mimic LPG behavior with a little patching effort, but perhaps having a real deal LPG could be useful and free up my filter w/ VCA for other exploration. Demos sound good, but some user feedback would go a long way in helping me make a decision .</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/---Karlo---"> /u/---Karlo--- </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/mzopak/tokyo_tape_music_center_tokyo_gate_user/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/mzopak/tokyo_tape_music_center_tokyo_gate_user/">[comments]</a></span>