Vortex Sound Research
Sugar Bytes Intros Nest Rules-Based Modular Sequencer For Mac & Windows - Printable Version

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Sugar Bytes Intros Nest Rules-Based Modular Sequencer For Mac & Windows - SynthWizard - 10-06-2021

Sugar Bytes Intros Nest Rules-Based Modular Sequencer For Mac & Windows

Nest is equipped with recreations of classical, transistor-based integrated circuits like Shift Registers or Multiplexers, plus programming tools like the if/else and math modules.… <a class="more-link" href="https://www.synthtopia.com/content/2021/10/06/sugar-bytes-intros-nest-rules-based-modular-sequencer-for-mac-windows/">Read More <span class="screen-reader-text">Sugar Bytes Intros Nest Rules-Based Modular Sequencer For Mac & Windows</span></a>
