Vortex Sound Research
Rene 2018 gate out problem - Printable Version

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Rene 2018 gate out problem - SynthWizard - 11-04-2021

Rene 2018 gate out problem

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hi. I’m getting back into my modular after a move and other pesky life interferences. I’ve just noticed that my Rene 2 is outputting gate (and access) CV despite deselecting various steps. I’ve seen this behavior in X and Y gates (haven’t tested C). </p> <p>I believe that I have the latest firmware installed. There is a Tempi on the select bus but I didn’t think this should affect the output. </p> <p>Does anyone have any advice? I greatly appreciate it.</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/Echoplexus"> /u/Echoplexus </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/qm8eqs/rene_2018_gate_out_problem/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/qm8eqs/rene_2018_gate_out_problem/">[comments]</a></span>