Vortex Sound Research
What is the standard for a volume level chain? - Printable Version

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What is the standard for a volume level chain? - SynthWizard - 11-07-2021

What is the standard for a volume level chain?

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I've always had the question of how to set things up with 2 devices to get the most optimal sound.</p> <p>Previously when I would hook up a pair of headphones with a volume knob to a computer I was curious if I turn the computer volume to 100% and use the headphone volume to adjust it where you need or do you set the computer volume to like 85% or even 60%..etc? </p> <p>Now that I'm into modular this has taken my question to entirely new territory. </p> <p>Here's a typical set up and how I have all the levels. Let me know if that's normal/standard or if there is a better way to do it? </p> <p>• Main boombox/stereo system that is pumping out the sound is set to 20%</p> <p>• Hooked up to ES-9 headphone out as my overall adjustable volume. Typically around 50% or so</p> <p>• The audio being fed through the es-9 is in my mixer tracks of FL studio individually around 85% or so</p> <p>• Computer audio is set to 100% (always wonder if that should be at 85-90%?</p> <p>• vcas hooked up to the ES-9 are kind of different and can fluctuate</p> <p>• sometimes effects like clouds can even have 'in gain' knob and I'll typically put that at like 60% or so. (That one varies depending on sound source)</p> <p>• sound sources can even have gain knobs like tiptop audio and I'll keep those at like 80%</p> <p>(Even things like ears could introduce even another knob if bringing in an outside source. For that I'll keep the outside source set at 90%</p> <p>Would it be different in the studio recording vs live? Are there special circumstances that warrant different approaches? Most importantly am I losing any valuable sound or harmonics...etc?</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/NeuromindArt"> /u/NeuromindArt </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/qnuh25/what_is_the_standard_for_a_volume_level_chain/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/qnuh25/what_is_the_standard_for_a_volume_level_chain/">[comments]</a></span>