Vortex Sound Research
Cheap Monosynth Confusion!! - Printable Version

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Cheap Monosynth Confusion!! - SynthWizard - 11-07-2021

Cheap Monosynth Confusion!!

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>(I know this is a commonly asked question, but I’ll explain my situation in detail, my priorities, and would be very grateful for some advice from people more experienced than I! Also long post, semi-tldr of options at the end) </p> <p>I’m basically looking for a cheap analogue monosynth to add to my current setup, and have narrowed it down to a few options. I’ll explain my situation first…</p> <p>I already have a Digitakt to sequence/sample and add delay and reverb, and I’ve loved learning the basics of subtractive synthesis on my Microfreak: I’ve had this since June and I’ve enjoyed the breadth of sounds this little thing allows you to create - making patches and playing with the mod matrix has been amazing (the screen has been such a great tool as a beginner to see what’s going on). </p> <p>I love house, melodic techno, acid techno, and also make backing music for my amateur band (80s sytnthy stuff, 70s/80s covers, rock). I also love the synth sounds of Mike Dean, Pink Floyd… it’s pretty broad!!</p> <p>So I’m now looking to expand my collection to have a bit more fun/expand the current sound palate. Since the Microfreak is a digital polyphonic (which I use for pads, improvs, sometimes leads), I’d be looking for an analogue monophonic to add some bass/leads/arps, sequenced on the Digitakt, and to have fun adjusting parameters on the fly. </p> <p>(I realise I can sample approximations of such sounds from the Microfreak into the Digitakt, however nothing quite beats playing around with the real deal (plus the freak has quite a recognisable, digital sound, and I’d like to add some variety…))</p> <p>My front runners are currently the TD3 and the Uno synth: both cheap and cheerful but a lot of fun. </p> <p>I’ve considered and extensively researched all of Behringer’s other cheap analogues (Model D, Crave, Neutron, Pro 1) however: I’m not massively advanced in my understanding of subtractive synthesis yet, I’m not looking to get into modular, and also if I’m going to be fiddling I’d rather have a way to save presets. So with them I think I’ll save my pennies for now… (however willing to be persuaded otherwise)</p> <p>The Uno synth is a real ugly duckling, with questionable build quality and questionable design/control layout, but this doesn’t concern me too much due to full midi implementation - ideal for pairing with the Digitakt. It also has a wider range of sounds than the TD3, so much more versatile… </p> <p>Although there’s something so charming about the TD3 - it’s a classic, seems like a lot of fun, and although limited I’d love to experiment with the kind of acid sounds it tends towards. Also at that price…!!! </p> <p>I know other aforementioned Behringers/other analogues might produce better sounds at better build qualities/longevity, and would probably have more scope for learning/exploration, however I’m just not sure if I’ll be able to make full use of them with my limited knowledge. </p> <p>SO my options now are:</p> <p>1) buy the TD3, have a bit of fun with it until I can also afford a better analogue synth to play with like the Typhon, or another Behringer like the Neutron</p> <p>2) buy the Uno, incorporate a wider range of sounds and take advantage of midi implementation, but risk regretting not just waiting to buy a better Analogue for these purposes, and missing the acidy fun of the TD3</p> <p>3) take the plunge and go for something like a Neutron or Model D, accepting the learning process and lack of preset saving</p> <p>4) accept I’ll end up with both the Uno and TD3, and buy whichever’s cheapest now, and the other in a month or two</p> <p>5) scrap all that and save ALL the pennies for something like a Deepmind 12 or Analogue 4, with no instant gratification…</p> <p>I’ve been deliberating for days about this, anyone offer any advice, opinions, experience with any of the gear/combos mentioned, or a new take???</p> <p>Thank you for taking the time to read!!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/FizzySpaceLime"> /u/FizzySpaceLime </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/qo35l5/cheap_monosynth_confusion/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/qo35l5/cheap_monosynth_confusion/">[comments]</a></span>