Vortex Sound Research
Input wanted: MIDI grooveboxes/ sequencers for jamming - Printable Version

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Input wanted: MIDI grooveboxes/ sequencers for jamming - SynthWizard - 01-09-2022

Input wanted: MIDI grooveboxes/ sequencers for jamming

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I have a small number of synths and I’m looking for some kind of sequencer or groovebox to facilitate jamming and improvisation. </p> <p>I’m aware of many options, but without being able to sit and try things out for a few days I just don’t know if any particular device’s workflow will work for me. </p> <p>I am capable enough writing music on a DAW, and I know I can always fall back on that. But I want to break free from the computer. </p> <p>I have a keystep pro and while it’s fine for what it is, I find I get stuck within its structures by default. I will write 64 steps of music and no more. I also find it difficult to edit on the fly and easily lose where I am when I can only see 16 steps of one track at a time. </p> <p>Most of the alternatives I’ve looked into seem to be primarily sample based, with midi control as a secondary concern. I am most tempted by the polyend tracker, as I am familiar enough with trackers from my teenage days. But I’m not convinced by the lack of easy polyphony. </p> <p>So I’d like to know. What works for all of you?</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/rose_lingon"> /u/rose_lingon </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/rzzl5w/input_wanted_midi_grooveboxes_sequencers_for/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/rzzl5w/input_wanted_midi_grooveboxes_sequencers_for/">[comments]</a></span>