Vortex Sound Research
Endorphin.es Shuttle System - Experiences? Opinions? - Printable Version

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Endorphin.es Shuttle System - Experiences? Opinions? - SynthWizard - 08-18-2022

Endorphin.es Shuttle System - Experiences? Opinions?

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>After having played some years with semimodulars like the Ø-Coast, Moog Mother 32, and sometimes with a borrowed Strega, SubH, DFAM, etc., I know I love patching. Mostly weird lead or bass sounds, sometimes fart noises when the mood is right. For reference, this is what I enjoy patching: <a href="https://m.soundcloud.com/stefanwagler/sets/sh32">https://m.soundcloud.com/stefanwagler/sets/sh32</a></p> <p>While intrigued by Eurorack and the flexibility and exploratory nature of sound design, I never took a full plunge, for fear that it's getting out of hand. Also, I'm somehow drawn to well-designed instruments, hence my interest in the <a href="https://www.endorphin.es/modules/p/shuttle-system">Endorphin.es Shuttle System</a> (but also the MN Tape &amp; Micro sound skiff).</p> <p>As I consider getting the Shuttle System, I wonder what you folks think of it or have any experiences? Do you find the lack of VCAs disturbing? Too limited in signal flow? Etc.?</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/Lawmoaner"> /u/Lawmoaner </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/wqgsy3/endorphines_shuttle_system_experiences_opinions/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/modular/comments/wqgsy3/endorphines_shuttle_system_experiences_opinions/">[comments]</a></span>