Vortex Sound Research
Dark Industrial Syntakt Jam - Printable Version

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Dark Industrial Syntakt Jam - SynthWizard - 11-22-2022

Dark Industrial Syntakt Jam

<table> <tr><td> <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/z1uenb/dark_industrial_syntakt_jam/"> <img src="https://external-preview.redd.it/981CRf4jRp-iRbViglrSWIt5OWvDSJyPpjMnyXMqKuw.jpg?width=320&amp;crop=smart&amp;auto=webp&amp;s=82ab7afa5ebe4baeec3c805b9f7c0219bc9712e3" alt="Dark Industrial Syntakt Jam" title="Dark Industrial Syntakt Jam" /> </a> </td><td> <!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hey all!</p> <p>I’ve been writing a lot on the Syntakt lately so I wanted to share a bit of what I’ve been working on. I had a lot of fun with the sound design on this one and I tried to use as much of the Syntakts functionality as possible (sort of as a personal challenge).</p> <p>Let me know what you think!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/Vox_Mnemonic"> /u/Vox_Mnemonic </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://youtu.be/DwdxTnv30MI">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/z1uenb/dark_industrial_syntakt_jam/">[comments]</a></span> </td></tr></table>