Vortex Sound Research
Yamaha MX49, buyers remorse, glazed-eye shopping? - Printable Version

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Yamaha MX49, buyers remorse, glazed-eye shopping? - SynthWizard - 01-11-2023

Yamaha MX49, buyers remorse, glazed-eye shopping?

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>So I did what I told myself never to do. Buy a (used) synth before knowing at least 75% of what it can do and make <em>sure</em> it has the specific feature(s) I wanted. I generally don't go to MusicGoRound for various reasons, much less on a Sunday when 100 people will be in the store. ANYHOW. I still have 4ish days to trade it for a different synth.</p> <p>My issue: I paid $399.99 for a used Yamaha MX49. I wanted at least to be able to do step sequencing/patterns without a computer. So I come to find out that one can only minimally mess with the pre-fab beats baked into the synth. Also, it appears one cannot really do much as far as sound designing without the software. Don't get me started on the keyboard action and lack of aftertouch. ? On top of this, they &quot;didn't have&quot; the software that's usually bundled with it. Man, I feel ripped off. Convince me otherwise or should I take it back for store credit?</p> <p>I'm kicking myself for ever selling my Korg N364. Granted, the sounds and synth engine were/are a bit dated, but the sequencer and sound editing was straight forward and great for it's time.</p> <p>Sigh....</p> <p>Are there any mods for the Yamah MX49?</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/LowOne11"> /u/LowOne11 </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/109dvj7/yamaha_mx49_buyers_remorse_glazedeye_shopping/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/109dvj7/yamaha_mx49_buyers_remorse_glazedeye_shopping/">[comments]</a></span>