Vortex Sound Research
What piece of equipment should I buy first? - Printable Version

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What piece of equipment should I buy first? - SynthWizard - 03-04-2023

What piece of equipment should I buy first?

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hi everyone, I'm starting a masters in electronic music production soon and I'm looking to make my first major equipment purchase. I wanted some advice about where I might start. Part of my problem is that I'm pulled in a few different directions musically and I'm trying to decide which piece of equipment will best enable me to experiment and improve my output. I have a budget of ~£700 and there are a few things I'm considering:</p> <p>Ableton Push 2 - I work with Live at the moment and the Push 2 seems like a logical choice. From a production POV, there are lots of advantages to this, but it doesn't necessarily bring anything new to my practice.</p> <p>MiniBrute 2S - My interest in electronic music started in analog and modular synthesis, but I've never been able to get my own synth before now. The 2S seems like a really great starting place and has plenty of functionality. I'm also considering the Minifreak though I know less about it.</p> <p>Elektron Syntakt or Digitakt - I was reading about how some of my favourite artists use Elektron products in their practices and how it helps them build and develop their sounds. It has many of the features that come in the MiniBrute, plus a whole host of other features, but I'm not familiar with the workflow method of these machines (to my mind, it seems a little less fun, but I'm happy to be proven wrong on this). The cost of this one is slightly beyond my budget but there are plenty of listings for second-hand products at lower prices.</p> <p>So my choices are between a controller, an analog synth, and a groovebox. I think it comes down to what I'm most interested in doing. I want to be output-oriented and will be mainly focused in producing fully polished tracks. If anyone has any insight about the products I've listed or has suggestions of their own, I'd really appreciate some advice!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/PavPutley"> /u/PavPutley </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/11id7k5/what_piece_of_equipment_should_i_buy_first/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/11id7k5/what_piece_of_equipment_should_i_buy_first/">[comments]</a></span>