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Noob question about the elephant in the room: Why do modules cost what they do?
Noob question about the elephant in the room: Why do modules cost what they do?

I understand that things can't always be cheap or free, and I also understand that some items have the benefit of cost savings by scaling production. I'm just trying to understand why some modules in general have very high price tags when we're talking about most modules that are just arrangements of standard electronics parts. Please don't get angry I'm just trying to get some perspective because I'm sure some or perhaps most of it is justified.

Let me give an example. I can buy a Drumbrute Impact for $349. That's a full fledged analog drum machine with individual outs, each sound with shaping knobs, and a very thorough sequencer plus an overdrive. Trying to get the same thing in modular can't be done in a single module, and you're probably looking at something well over $1000 or more for a fully modular setup with comparable features. Heck, a drum sequencer is probably at least half that cost before you even talk about the sound generation side of things. I can get a 808 machine from Roland or [some other company] for $349-$399, but a modular version like the System 80 is $995.

Korg Monologue is only $345! It's literally impossible to get a individual modules, or even a single "voice" module for anything less than double that, and we haven't even mentioned a sequencer and a keybed. Yes, you cannot rewire or patch a Monologue, so there is a downside there. But does that mean a large portion of the cost of modules are their patch points? A Moog Mother-32 is $649. Is that because it's a Moog or because it has a patchbay?

Then there's the cost of some of the individual modules themselves. Something fully digital like the above mentioned drum sequencer is easily $500 or more. And yet it's probably being run on an Arduino or Pi that can be had for less than $30. I hate to single out any module or maker, but sort by price on Detroit Modular and there are over 120(!) modules at $499 or greater. The fact that there is such a lively market for modules that cost a non-trivial amount says something. I'm not sure what that something is, except to say that I'm still kind of surprised at it.

I just got into doing some DIY modules, and while I'm enjoying the process, I'd be lying if I said that cost wasn't a motivator. In many cases, DIY kits save as much as 50%. If you can source your own parts, it might be more. So is the labor/manufacturing cost really that high? Or am I just a spoiled American whose expectations are skewed by cheap foreign labor?

All of this is to ask: Is modular too expensive or is it the right cost of a boutique market of electronics?

submitted by /u/ElGuaco
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