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Let's discuss modular-all-in-ones!
Preface: If you come to say "bUt MoDuLaR iS aLl AbOuT bUiLdInG yOuR oWn InStRuMeNt!" - your opinion is valid and has been noted. However, that's not the point of this thread. If you still feel the need to write it again, just post "Blablah." and we'll hear you.
Now, let's discuss modular-all-in ones! Which ones do you love, what do you often find lacking? Have you used one as a starting-point for building your unique system, or did another one inspire (parts of) your build?
What are your experiences with the typical culprits: - Make Noise Shared System - Make Noise Tape & Microsound Music Machine (Lust!) - Make Noise System Cartesian (I haven't seen anyone using this one) - Endorphin.es Shuttle System <3 - Doepfer A-100 Basis (Starter) System 1/2 - ALM System Coupé - Erica Synths Black System - Erica Synths Das Kleine Fusion - Erica Synths Fusion System - Erica Synths Pico System 3 cough - ...
I do like the idea of having a contained yet flexible system, where someone much smarter than me put a lot of thought into. I also like that it just fits in terms of voltage standards (Yes, my Moog and Make Noise semimods, I'm looking at you!). I enjoy the awe I feel, when interacting with a well build instrument (be it my Marleaux bass, Fender Tele, or Elektron boxes). I myself sold my semi-modulars (M32, 0-Coast, Strega) to catch a good deal on an Endorphin.es Shuttle System. I use it for synthvoices with uncommon timbres and would like to advance more into evolving drones. What I find lacking so far, is VCAs and more utilities. I really would like to modulate my modulations, as that's part of the modular appeal to me. Which touches a general point about modular-all-in-ones, they often seem to be sparse in utilities, maybe as they seem on first glance least sexy-patchy, despite being often lauded as the most exciting part about modular builds. Back to the Shuttle System, while the Grand Terminal sounds amazing and offers a chunk of functionality, I kind of wish, that I could pick the signal path apart, separating the filter outs from the effects in. They also made a smart move in using the Frap Tools PLUS case, as I'm constantly tempted to get another two 42hp parts and grow my 3U 84hp into 6U 84hp. Finally, the Shuttle Control seems like a hell of a USB-Midi to CV interface (and more, as it can source random voltages, LFOs, Midi-modulatable envelopes, velocity-sensitive pulsars, etc.), BUT I just don't like going back to the PC, programming it, and having to remember or scribble down, which CV out serves what :/
That's my take on it. What are your all thoughts? (And remember: Blablah!)
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