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Do you have to be able to read music to progress?

I am now at the point where (Using a DAW) I am able to play and make songs to a reasonable standard and have been doing so which is great. However even after trying I am absolutely awful at reading music, I can tell what the notes are but reading them at enough speed to play in both hands seems impossible. The way I learn songs currently is:

  1. By ear, I listen and then fiddle for ages till it sounds right (Don't have perfect pitch)
  2. Watching people play it and then copying

I am however a drummer so am fine with rythm, but notes are so hard!! Does anyone know any techniques to get better or say a website or something that can "train you".

On another note, I have been looking at hardware recently, I already play on a midi keyboard but the DAW interfaces do lack the physical "Adjusting knobs" side of things. Does anyone know either very cheap options or ways to buy partially broken synths that have say a few things not working?

submitted by /u/ChippyGaming21
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