Monthly Archives: July 2018
A.I.=How the Enlightenment Ends
How the Enlightenment Ends Philosophically, intellectually—in every way—human society is unprepared for the rise of artificial intelligence. Henry A. Kissinger June 2018 i-could-mean-the-end-of-human-history/559124/
Rossler Kaos Attraktor Schematic
XMACHINA is a Probability Auto Generative Drum Machine Engine with 4 BPM sync LFOs autopanning each sound while modulating “seed” factors that plays drum samples plus has built in CR78/MFB502 type Drum Synth that also transmits 4 channels of generated … Continue reading
xn+1= 1 – axn2 + bxn, (a and b are parameters) Michel Henon, an astronomer at the observatory in Nice, France, was born in Paris in 1931. Curious about the degradation of celestial orbits, he began to model the orbits … Continue reading
Dual Midi Channel Generative Sequencer xn+1= 1 – axn2 + bxn 2 “iterations” of formula cross modulating plus 2x LFO modulating params generating evolving sequences includes built in sound engine works with “Hardware” “Esoteric” Henon MIDI Sequencer….
Build a Lorenz Attractor
In 1963 Edward Lorenz published his famous set of coupled nonlinear first-order ordinary differential equations; they are relatively simple, but the resulting behavior is wonderfully complex. The equations are: dx/dt = s(y-x) dy/dt = rx-y-xz dz/dt = xy – bz … Continue reading
FurīkuMēkā “Dinner With Hungry Ghosts”
Artwork Takato Yamamoto^Very rough noise “montage” mix made yesterday/today using: Korg35 x911 Korg35 Ms20 ZenoMorphResonator N01ZESTRIP Nekromancer composed with KAOTIKA FX Aphex109 Parametric Korg SD200 Multivox MXD5 Lexicon LXP15II Digitech DSP256XL Aphex 108 EasyRider keep in mind this is just … Continue reading
Eye needed super lightweight basic 2xVCO Noise RingMod BPM sync LFO & ADSR VST so slapped together N01ZESTRIP. This is a basic reference synth sound source when creating elaborate MIDI files with KAOTIKA… when have all the MIDI recorded it … Continue reading